Tracy velvick
Akashic Sound Healing, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, connecting to the unified field.
Akashic sound healing - Holistic Sound bath
Sound healing is an ancient technique which dates back thousands of years.
From the soothing sounds of nature, to the rhythmic beating of a drum or the chanting of Tibetan monks, sound is all encompassing.
Like everything, sound as a healing modality has evolved, with the use of crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, toning and frequencies, the resonance creates a vibration that attunes to the body, tuning into the body at a cellular level, which can have a great effect on your well-being.
"Music is a form of medicine, and at the correct frequency and in a calming setting, can go deeply into the mind, body and soul."
We are all energetic beings, and the energies in the body can get stuck creating blockages in your natural flow.
Sound can transform the body by changing its vibration on a subatomic level, therefore, shifting it back into a more harmonious resonant state, to it's equilibrium.
A sound healing session can be a life changing experience allowing the body, mind and soul to open up and flow more freely.
It has been known to help with the easing of anxiety, depression, anger or mental blockages.
Before we begin, I use a protection technique for the duration of the session, creating a safe space for all involved.
Plato said " Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything".
QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Dolores Cannon was a pioneer in past life regression and had a career that spanned nearly 50 years. During this time, Dolores perfected her technique while regressing thousands of clients, and through these regressions discovered "lost knowledge" for her clients, which can be found in her books.
During a hypnotherapy session, the conscious mind is bypassed, while the person is in a "theta brain wave" state, and the subconscious where the information is stored, is accessed. The "theta wave" state is a natural state that we all experience while falling asleep and waking up. The technique is designed to hold the person in the theta state for the duration of the session, which can be up to two hours.
Many people seek hypnosis sessions for different reasons, not just to access past lives but to dive deeper into the meaning of their lives and get the answers to questions they have been searching for at this time. Accessing this information buried deep in the subconscious can be uplifting and life changing.
We all have unanswered questions at various stages in our lives, as we grow and evolve. The technique can help unlock the information needed at any time in a persons life. There can be an emotional, mental, physical or spiritual blockage that presents itself. You may discover deeper and profound truths that have been buried in your subconscious.
The session is designed to help you access the quantum field for the information you require, or are seeking.
A body scan will also be utilized to pin point areas of the body that may need more attention or healing.
Before we begin, I will use a protection technique for the duration of the session.
Tracy Velvick
A warm welcome to you. Your higher self has lead you here, and to the many ways of connecting to your authentic Self, available to those, conscious of this, at this time.
My personal journey, has been and is, divinely guided, as I have been open to my higher aspects and source from my inception.
On this journey of remembering, I have connected my mind, body and soul in various ways, through meditation, breathing techniques, mindfulness, opening and connecting to the heart space, nature walks, sun gazing, water fasting and dry fasting, to name a few.
While studying hypnosis, I found I could help others connect to the missing links while on their journey, offering an open channel coming through my higher self and my team.
I have a connection to the quantum field and I work through various techniques to have access to this open source available.
I utilize crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, oracle and angel cards, hypnosis and other modalities to access the akashic records.
Being a singer, I use a natural flow and resonance and sound healing has become a gift, as I connect holistically with all. Earth is an amazing conscious being we are all a part of.
My singing career has taken me all over the world and I always love travelling. I have been fortunate to have lived in many different locations, for now, I am based in Hampshire, U.K.
For more information, please get in contact via the form on the next page, via my Facebook page or email: